The Oscar Slap Heard Around the World

Will Smith goes toxic masculinity and entitlement – maybe he shouldn’t be in an open marriage but a divorced one

There’s nothing cool, romantic, or chivalrous about what Will Smith did to Chris Rock at the Oscars.

Nor does it have much to do with his wife’s honor but his fat ego.

If you haven’t heard, Comedian Chris Rock, one of the presenters at the 94th Academy Awards, made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith’s wife.

At first, Will Smith (who later won the best actor award for his portrayal of Richard Williams in King Richard) laughed at the joke until he saw his wife’s disapproval. At which time he got up out of his front-row seat, walked onto the stage, and slapped Comedian Chris Rock hard across the face.

Smith then turned around and walked back to his front-row seat. He then verbally attacked Rock from his chair during a live telecast of the Academy Awards as more than 10 million viewers watched from home.

Once ABC caught on that this interaction was not two actors playing at improv for laughs, but an actor losing his sh*t, ABC cut the audio, but we, the audience, could tell from the feed what was going on.

It was obvious Will Smith was not pretending to be enraged as he yelled obscenities from his seat at Rock.

Below is a version with audio and video. It’s disturbing.

Other actors were up for and won awards, the highest honor for their profession. Smith sucked all the air out of the evening by demonstrating he isn’t emotionally intelligent. He did give a great example of how taking yourself too seriously can make you look like an ass.

Later in the evening, when accepting the award for Best Actor, Smith proceeds to have a breakdown yet doesn’t apologize to Rock directly for hitting him.

Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith have been married for 24 years. There have been rumors of infidelity for the past ten. She stepped out on him, then he cheated on her. Or the other way around. Who knows. Until finally, they decided to come out and say publicly they were in an “open marriage.”

Maybe they both cheated on each other and decided it would look better to tell the world they were open about wanting to see other people in their marriage before they did. Maybe their marriage is like many marriages; partners cheat. And get caught. I do not know, only they do.

However, Will Smith violently assaulting a fellow actor because his wife didn’t like a joke aimed at her and then saying he did it to protect his family isn’t a sign of a strong marriage or tight bond, but an indication things aren’t secure in the Smith household.

Maybe an open marriage isn’t working for them. Or him.

Walking up on stage and slapping a fellow actor didn’t have anything to do with his wife, but his ego and perhaps the insecurity he feels about his partner. He was laughing at the joke before he noticed she wasn’t. The joke was aimed at her hair loss due to a health condition. Still, her hurt feelings, which is Smith’s excuse for slapping Rock, is no excuse.